Happy Groundhog’s Day! With the Covid situation at the moment we seem to be stuck in a loop. Stuck in a loop. Stuck in a loop.
This week we had a break in the regular weekly Stammtisch due to construction, but we will return next week. Meanwhile there are also discussions about moving from Thursdays to Tuesdays. So join us (still on Thursdays for now) if you want to voice your opinion. And watch the calendar for any changes.
There have been in-person meetings of some book clubs under 2G+ conditions. And most of these have been a hybrid with an online possibility. I was very skeptical that this would work, but my experience was positive.
Update: It was decided to stick with Thursday meetings. We are looking for suggestions for locations for the summer Beer Garden Tour.
I am also looking for possible ways to start up the Film Club again, perhaps as an email list without an official organiser.